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Our coolest service yet - The Cold Plunge


from pro athletes to bio hackers

The cold has many benefits. You’ve probably heard of Wim Hof - The Iceman. One of the biggest proponents of cold exposure, he has achieved remarkable feats such as running half marathons barefoot in the snow, swimming under ice, and even climbed Mount Kilimanjaro wearing only shoes and shorts.

Now we don’t need to take it as far as he does, but cold exposure has been shown to have many great benefits for us normal folks.

One of the biggest, and one that everyone can benefit from, is boosting our immune systems. This has always been very important to our health and well-being, especially in these COVID times. Our immune systems develop and strengthen from being put under stress. Too much is damaging of course, but just the right amount can helps our bodies adapt and improve.

Cold exposure has also been used by top athletes for many years. Most of us have seen the football player recovering in an bathtub full of ice after a hard practice or game, and if these players and coaches with million dollar contracts are utilizing this therapy, you know there’s something to it. In these cases, a big aspect is increasing blood flow. During cold exposure, the blood vessels in the exposed area constrict, which can be very helpful in reducing inflammation and swelling. After which, during the warming phase, fresh blood will return to the area and bring with it nutrients and oxygen to aid in recovery.

Watch today's video to learn the top 3 proven benefits of cold exposure. These are things you NEED to know that you probably don't.Holistic Health Hacks: ht...

Cools down to 39 degrees

Perfect temperature to get the maximum benefits


Ozone sanitation

Cleanly and efficiently eliminates any organic materials in the water


UV sanitation

Safe and chemical-free way to neutralize harmful bacteria and viruses in the water


5 micron cartridge filter

Removes dirt and even other microscopic foreign objects from water

How To Prepare

Before your plunge, we recommend at least a few days of cold showers. We’ve found the graphic below to be a good guide to follow before your plunge, and even afterwards in getting you acclimated to and benefitting from cold exposure. We also suggest practicing Wim Hof breathing techniques in the days leading up to your appointment. This will train your body and mind to continue normal breathing during your session.

This is a slower paced Wim Hof Method breathing exercise that starts with a 30 seconds hold building up to 90 seconds breath hold. Very suitable for beginner...