Fort Worth Float Company
5934 River Oaks Boulevard
Fort Worth, TX, 76114
United States
(682) 360-3964
Kevan O’Malley
Owner and Float Sensei
Kevan had his first float for his 31st birthday, and was immediately hooked. As a former, and at the time, very stressed and burnt out preschool teacher, he immediately saw how much floating did for him, and wanted to bring that to others in Fort Worth.
Riley Genua
Float Guide and Advertising Wizard
Coming soon
Joe Moron
Born and raised in Fort Worth, Joe is passionate about craft coffee and brazilian jiujitsu. He lives for gastronomical adventures and explores the world through the lens of his camera. When he’s not immersed in photography or cinematography, you’ll find him here floating, and is always in search of the next great story or experience.
Contact Us
For general questions and promotional information, please complete the form. We will respond shortly. Thank you!